Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Solid 5.25

I'm creating a new scale. One means I am miserable and useless, and ten means I am feeling on top of the world and satisfied with the amount of things I was able to accomplish


Today was about... a five and a quarter.

Went to school, went to Auntie's, did some research, went to church, went back to Auntie's and ate ice cream with the Willems and JEK.

Major pain/itching/stinging of my scalp all day--how frustrating to want to scratch it, but knowing that it will do nothing except make me look like I have fleas.
Pretty severe chills/feverish feeling all day.
Jerky head. Grr.
About as much energy as a petunia. Maybe less. (Can one fall asleep sitting backwards in a pew chair, resting one's head on the back? I'm inclined to think one can. And almost did.)
Just took my antibiotic; now feeling super pukey with a smashing headache.
But on the plus side, my hands didn't hurt so bad!

And I had a super good laugh with the Willems and JEK as I recalled some of the good quotes from the emergency surgery I had when I was 15.

God is gracious. I'm actually thankful I don't have a significant other right now to drag through this mess. And how cool is it that if I can't have a normal job, I already had time earlier in life to learn how to get things published as a freelance writer?

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