Monday, December 22, 2008

Appointment update:

Called Dr. R. again in Kansas City. The nurse was in today, so I was able to schedule an appointment (that is spread over three days—yikes).

March 17: 9 a.m to noon, lab work from 12:30 until 1-ish

March 18: 1-4 p.m.

March 19: 2-4 p.m.

There is a substantial out of pocket expense to cover these three days, so please pray that we’ll be able to come up with this cash. On the plus side, this doctor (unlike many others) is willing to submit the fees to our insurance company to see if they’ll reimburse us for anything.

I haven’t looked into details of where we can stay. I know that some hotels will probably give us a discount if they know we’re visiting that doctor. Does anyone have any info about Calvary Bible College’s policies about guests? I think it might be a good time to drop in on some friends. ;-D

Final thought: I’m still in limbo about where I might spend a few days after Ariel’s wedding. Mom and Dad are going to the Creation Museum (I’m trying super-hard not to pout) and I don’t want to stay home by myself. And it probably won’t be fun for whoever I’m with because it’s quite likely I’ll be a wreck mentally, physically and/or emotionally. *sigh* You could pray about that, too.


Jek said...

Hey, I should be on break at that point still (I sure hope so at least) and you can't find any place to stay I'm sure my parents won't care if I crash there.

Karen said...

um... of course, you can ALWAYS stay with us. I'm sure you already know that. : )